Jane, David, Dahlee (+ baby 3) and Alyss |
Another year coming to a close...
Many things have happened; some we welcomed and others we wish took their time
to show up, but overall we had a good and fruitful year.
David’s major accomplishment was
to get a new job with the Jordan School District as an IT professional. We are
all happy for this new job that provides experience, insurance and a step in
the right direction. He is also working on publishing a book on the iTunes
store, which will be used by the teachers of the schools where he works. Another
thing that David got really good at is being a father. He takes good care of
our two girls and helps out around the house a lot, especially with laundry and
dishes. He’s also become an expert in making peanut butter cookies. Everyone
loves his cookies and asks for them whenever they get a chance. J
Jane is a busy two year old. She
now runs and is getting pretty good at jumping, which she’s been practicing for
a few good months now. Her talking skills have grown quite a bit too. She
talks, asks for the things she likes, wants or needs and knows how to express
herself pretty well both in Romanian and in English. She is a good big sister
too; gives Alyss her binky or bottle and lets us know whenever Alyss is crying.
Jane knows seven letters, “Itsy Bitsy Spider”, “Old McDonald” and, “Twinkle,
Twinkle Little Star” and can count to 3 by herself and to 8 with help. We are
also working on potty training and are being pretty successful. She forgets
about it sometimes while other times she herself brings the potty to us. One
major accomplishment is the fact that she now sleeps through the night, which
makes us really happy. She loves Toy Story and has a pretty big crush on Buzz
so of course we know what the major theme of this year’s Christmas gifts will
be.. We love our baby girl so much!
Alyss is now ten months old. She
was born in February and was 7lb 10 oz and 19 in long. She loves to stand up
all by herself. She loves to play with Jane and does everything that Jane does.
She claps and says ‘bye bye’ and ‘bravo’, loves music and dances a lot and
loves food. She eats everything that we eat. She is a clam baby and usually
cries only when she needs something. She plays with Jane’s toys and observes
everything we do. She is such a sweet little girl who gives really nice hugs. I
just love it when she looks into my eyes and touches my face.
As for myself, I am really busy
staying home with the girls. It’s a full time job that doesn’t give you any
vacation time but it does provide plenty of benefits. I love being home with
the girls and watch them grow. I learn more about being a mother every day and
it’s wonderful. We go on walks a lot; go to the park on nice days and to the
library. The girls like our walks and enjoy being outdoors which makes me
happy. A piece of news some of you might not be aware of, we are expecting our
third baby in June or July. This pregnancy’s been a little harder on me so far;
more morning sickness mainly, but other than that I’m feeling ok and can’t wait
to find out in about ten more weeks the gender of our new baby. We love having
girls so, another girl will make us very happy, while having a baby boy would
also be wonderful. In a couple of weeks we’ll have the first ultrasound and I’m
excited for that as well. Seeing the tiny baby move inside my belly always
makes me happy and even more excited for the new arrival.
We are all thankful for the good
year we’ve had and are looking forward to more adventures the year to come.
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas and a new year with love, health and many
Johansens 2012 |