This blog is like a journal for me and because of that, it contains my opinions and the way I see things. It is not intended to judge or criticize anyone or to impose any of my views on anyone. I apologize if any of the posts in here is offensive or somehow harmful to you. Because this blog is like a journal, I do not expect anyone to read or comment on my posts. However, I really want to share my life with you and I love reading your comments so please, if you feel like you have something to say, go right ahead! You are my best friends and my family and I hope that you agree with the terms stated above. Thank you so very much for reading and for always being there for me.

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Showing posts with label Christmas letter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas letter. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2013 - A Good Year

So, I don't know what others thought at the beginning of 2013 but I was a bit skeptical since this year ended with the number 13 which is sometimes thought to be a bad luck number. It turns out that 13 wasn't that bad of a number after all and 2013 was a good year for us.

Johansen Family - December 2013
Kaley (6 mo), Jane (3) and Alyss (1 yr 10 mo)
Here's what happened:

- Alyss turned one and started walking at 14 months

- We moved to Taylorsville at the beginning of June

- My mom (bica) came to visit in June and stayed with us until December 20

- Kaley was born on June 30 by successful VBAC

- David's parents moved to the States from Japan and came to visit in July

- Our apartment flooded in September

- David started a second job selling at Best Buy in September

- Jane turned three in November

- We loved trick-or-treating on Halloween, enjoyed our great Thanksgiving dinner and had fun opening presents at Christmas

Now for each person a little bit to remember...

Kaley - born on June 30 at 11:10pm, at 38 weeks. She was 7lb 14oz and 19.5 in long. She is exclusively breastfed and we introduced solid purées around 5 months of age. Kaley has a hole in her heart that we need to check on periodically. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it. She is a very happy, alert baby. She loves to be help and gives the best hugs. She smiles all the time and people often comment on how beautiful she is and how sparkly, like stars, her blue eyes are. She loves to kick and roll over and she enjoys eating sweet potatoes and squash and drinking from mommy's kefir. Up until 6 months she hasn't cut any teeth yet, to the enjoyment of her mom who is a bit worried about breastfeeding a baby who has teeth and likes to mischievously nibble and play with the source of her food :)

Alyss - man, what a dynamite girl she is! Especially since she likes Wreck it Ralph I think that the description fits her perfectly. She runs around and climbs on everything. She copies everything that Jane does and says. At her 18 months appointment when the doctor asked if she knows 10 words I almost started laughing. Not only does she know a lot more than 10 words but she also understands and speaks both English and Romanian words and even sentences. This baby is pretty much my dynamite baby. She is also very happy and loves to laugh. She already knows the ABC song, Twinkle twinkle little star, The itsy, bitsy spider and even some parts of a couple Christmas songs. She can count to ten almost without any help and knows lines from several movies by heart. She enjoys playing toddler iPad games and puzzles and also loves being outdoors where she loves the park and the swing and to play in the water. 

Jane - our cute, sensitive, dainty Jane! She is such a girl. She puts her hair behind her easy, pulls on her sleeves so that they don't ride up her arms and likes to wear cute clothes. I love how when people say that she is pretty she simply answers "yes" :) She knows she is beautiful and I sure hope she will hold unto that knowledge for ever. As much as she's grown and is more of a child than a toddler now, Jane still likes to crawl around under tables and climb up on tables. She likes to watch a bunch of movies on the computer and play toddler and preschool games on the iPad. She talks a lot and sometimes I wonder how and where she learned some of the things she says. I just love how she actually forms correct sentences and phrases and how we can actually have a conversation. Jane is a very sensitive girl who observes those around her and their feelings. She is touched by music and likes to dance and twirl around with her toys, epically her puppy toys. She loves puppy toys, the 'noceros' (rhinoceros) and the reindeer bath toys and she carries around her beloved pillow what she used to take out in the car but now she just leaves on the couch when we go out. One time we were at the mall and a nice, slow pop song was playing at the radio and Jane almost started crying. I had the same feeling so I totally understood her but I was surprised to see how soft she is. Jane enjoys going to IKEA and to the "parking park" and the dinosaurs at City Creek. She loves her two younger sisters even though she doesn't show it very much. She always makes sure that Alyss also gets gummies, water, apple or whatever Jane asks for. She sometimes holds Kaley and likes to kiss her head. Even though she more often than not makes a mess by leaving toys and books everywhere in the house, Jane also helps mommy with stuff around the house and helps pick up the messes she and Alyss make. Both Jane and Alyss like our sleepy time routine of brushing teeth and reading books and they even 'read' the books to us and know parts of the rhymes in them. Jane's favorite color is pink and her favorite letter is W. She knows many songs and loves to sing. I love how Jane and Alyss sing "oac, oac, diri, diri, dai" or "Monkeys on the bed" while actually jumping even though both the song and mommy tell them no to. 

Dahlee - so, pretty much the biggest, happiest moment this year for me was the birth of our third cutie pie, Kaley Olivia. The birth wasn't too difficult, the only part I didn't enjoy being the labor pain and the painful epidural, and the pushing only lasted a couple of minutes. I still needed an episiotomy but it wasn't as unbearable as last time afterwards this time around. The doctor was amazing and very nice. The other great accomplishment for me is successfully breastfeeding Kaley. She was exclusively breastfed until she was 5 months and we are still doing it and having a good time. I love the closeness breastfeeding brings and even though it gets hard sometimes especially because of having three children so young and close in age it is also very rewarding and comes in handy at night or when we're out and about. I've gotten pretty good at the whole nursing in public thing and not only do I not get embarrassed anymore I actually enjoy doing it. The other thing that I've been learning and working on is the type of parent I want to be for our girls. There are many days when I can't help but wonder "what was I thinking having so many kids so close on age?" but then I look at them and am so proud of every little thing they do, so happy to see them smile and play and giggle, so thankful to see them healthy that I forget all the hard times and just want them to feel loved and happy. We must not be such bad parents after all :) I'm learning about RIE (Resources for Infant Educarersand attachment parenting and I try to help the girls be independent while knowing that we are there for them and love them unconditionally. I'm far from being a perfect parent but I'm seeing my mistakes and am trying to be a bit better every day. Now, If I could only stop yelling :) One other thing that I've researched quite a bit and started applying in our,livesmismhealthy, greener living. I try to get greener products for our home and for ourselves and I also try eating better and using natural remedies and health options. We take multivitamins and minerals, cod liver oil and probiotics and try to go out for walks every day. I hope that we can get better at living a healthy lifestyle and feel great while doing it.

David - our hardworking daddy. I honestly don't know how he does it. He leaves before 8 in the morning and some days doesn't get home until midnight. Oh, how I wish that he had one job that he loved and provided enough so that he didn't have to work menial jobs and be away from me and the girls so much. There have been days when the girls wouldn't see daddy for two or three days in a row and it really saddens me to see them ask for daddy and want to be with him when he has to be at work to provide for us. We love daddy so much and hope that 2014 is the year when our dream of having one great job and daddy home more will come true. The sad thing is that David is so good and knowledgeable at working with Macs and iPads; he is great at teaching people how to use them; he can troubleshoot and fix computer problems while helping others understand the problems; he wrote a book about the use of iPads in the school district where he works, was invited to speak at several educational technology conferences and was asked to help and tutor several people and companies. Yet, he is underpaid and not able to get a better paying job because of not having a degree in educational technology which would require money and time that he doesn't have. There also isn't a huge job market for technology teaching. He could work for a company but we haven't been directed towards such opportunities and are not aware of many companies who would give him an opportunity to show what he knows and can do. So, he keeps trying and learning more every day. He is also a really good and loving dad. He plays with the girls and I love seeing him hold both Jane and Alyss in his arms when we are out and they are tired of walking. He reads to the girls and helps them get ready for bed and almost always stays with them until they fall asleep. He is also a great husband. Who would come home from a long day at work to do dishes and vacuum the living room because Mommy had a rough day and didn't get to do it? I just love him and my girls so much and feel, so lucky to have such a wonderful family.

We hope that your 2013 was a great year and wish you all a new year with much love, health and happiness. Happy New Year 2014!

Our Sweet Little Girls

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Merry Christmas 2012!

Jane, David, Dahlee (+ baby 3) and Alyss

Another year coming to a close... Many things have happened; some we welcomed and others we wish took their time to show up, but overall we had a good and fruitful year.

David’s major accomplishment was to get a new job with the Jordan School District as an IT professional. We are all happy for this new job that provides experience, insurance and a step in the right direction. He is also working on publishing a book on the iTunes store, which will be used by the teachers of the schools where he works. Another thing that David got really good at is being a father. He takes good care of our two girls and helps out around the house a lot, especially with laundry and dishes. He’s also become an expert in making peanut butter cookies. Everyone loves his cookies and asks for them whenever they get a chance. J

Jane is a busy two year old. She now runs and is getting pretty good at jumping, which she’s been practicing for a few good months now. Her talking skills have grown quite a bit too. She talks, asks for the things she likes, wants or needs and knows how to express herself pretty well both in Romanian and in English. She is a good big sister too; gives Alyss her binky or bottle and lets us know whenever Alyss is crying. Jane knows seven letters, “Itsy Bitsy Spider”, “Old McDonald” and, “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and can count to 3 by herself and to 8 with help. We are also working on potty training and are being pretty successful. She forgets about it sometimes while other times she herself brings the potty to us. One major accomplishment is the fact that she now sleeps through the night, which makes us really happy. She loves Toy Story and has a pretty big crush on Buzz so of course we know what the major theme of this year’s Christmas gifts will be.. We love our baby girl so much!

Alyss is now ten months old. She was born in February and was 7lb 10 oz and 19 in long. She loves to stand up all by herself. She loves to play with Jane and does everything that Jane does. She claps and says ‘bye bye’ and ‘bravo’, loves music and dances a lot and loves food. She eats everything that we eat. She is a clam baby and usually cries only when she needs something. She plays with Jane’s toys and observes everything we do. She is such a sweet little girl who gives really nice hugs. I just love it when she looks into my eyes and touches my face.

As for myself, I am really busy staying home with the girls. It’s a full time job that doesn’t give you any vacation time but it does provide plenty of benefits. I love being home with the girls and watch them grow. I learn more about being a mother every day and it’s wonderful. We go on walks a lot; go to the park on nice days and to the library. The girls like our walks and enjoy being outdoors which makes me happy. A piece of news some of you might not be aware of, we are expecting our third baby in June or July. This pregnancy’s been a little harder on me so far; more morning sickness mainly, but other than that I’m feeling ok and can’t wait to find out in about ten more weeks the gender of our new baby. We love having girls so, another girl will make us very happy, while having a baby boy would also be wonderful. In a couple of weeks we’ll have the first ultrasound and I’m excited for that as well. Seeing the tiny baby move inside my belly always makes me happy and even more excited for the new arrival.
We are all thankful for the good year we’ve had and are looking forward to more adventures the year to come. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas and a new year with love, health and many accomplishments!

Johansens 2012

Friday, December 23, 2011

2011 - A year of love

December 2011

Happy together
As we approach the Christmas holiday and the end of the year, we once again reflect on the year we’ve had and the ups and downs that enriched and filled our lives. As our family’s tradition goes, we like to put on paper the highlights of our year. We hope you enjoy reading about us and hope to hear back about your lives.                                                                                                                                  
David’s year’s been an interesting one. He worked two jobs at Simply Mac and Borders Bookstore all the way until the end of July and got accepted into a Master Program at the New York Institute of Technology. As we were getting ready to leave, the school asked David to postpone starting school until January 2012 because of changes they were still working on. October rolls by and we learn that the changes were more drastic than we thought and involved an entirely online program. Our plans to move to NYC changed once again with us deciding to stay in Utah and continue with our lives. David still works at Simply Mac while looking into finding computer training jobs that he might be qualified for or even some other better paying jobs that could provide enough income for us to live a decent life.

Jane's Second Christmas
Dahlee had a pretty eventful year as well. Being a stay-home-mom for Jane, she worked at being a good example and a loving mother to her. Seeing Jane grow brings Dahlee much joy and a sense of accomplishment. In June, we found out that we are expecting our second baby, which we found out is another girl. We are so excited to bring Jane a little baby sister and hope that they will love each other very much. In September, Dahlee was sworn in and became an American citizen. She is very happy and proud to be an American and even changed her name to Dahlee Anna to make it a bit easier to pronounce for everyone. One activity that Dahlee became very interested in and enjoyed doing this year is crocheting. She’s made many cute hats and is thinking and hoping to be able to make more and to even sell them. She already has a few orders and sold a couple of hats too.

Jane is one
Jane turned one in November. We had a nice party for her and she received many cool gifts. She is as happy as can be and is developing ways to express her feelings and needs more. Sometimes that means she cries or screams, while other times it means smiling or pointing with her finger. We went to Disneyland in October and Jane loved the carousels. Some milestones Jane accomplished this year include sitting on her own, eating by herself, mastering the pincer grasp, crawling, walking while holding unto furniture, saying ‘mama’ and ‘dada’ and walking while holding our hand.

We had a good year and hope that the next will be even better, especially with the arrival of a new baby in February, the visit of my Mom and Jane growing taller, walking and talking. We are thankful for dear family members and friends who stood by us in good and not so good times and for the things we were able to accomplish this year. Now, at the end of 2011, we wish you to have a wonderful holiday season surrounded by your loved ones and a wonderful and successful 2012.
Jane loves stuffed animals and barks like a little dog when she sees one :)
Love, David, Dahlee and Jane

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 Family Letter that got lost among other documents

I misplaced this letter earlier but I still wanted to post it here since I love using this blog as a kind of journal. So, don't feel like you have to read it. :) It's all old stuff. :))

2009 - Life unveiled

Working for Western Nut Co.

At the Manheim Steamroller Concert

Limerick, Ireland

David's Graduation

Dahlee's Graduation

It's December, a time when many find themselves looking back at what the year had in store for them. With Christmas just around the corner and a new year waiting at the door, we realize that another year of our life has passed. With many events woven throughout the year, David and I don't need much time to remember the good and the unexpected that our little family experienced over the past 12 months.

After a fairly uneventful winter semester and two easy spring and summer terms spent mostly working and finishing up our degrees, both David and I graduated from Brigham Young University in August. David received a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics.

The years spent at BYU finally came to an end and with them the chance for a new life. The beginning of this new life, we decided, was going to be spent in Ireland, as David learned with much excitement and anticipation that he was accepted into the Master of Ethnochoreology offered at the University of Limerick. Ethnochoreology is the study of folk dance as it developed in each country throughout the world. David's desire to choreograph and teach has developed during the last few years at BYU, while David took many folk dance classes, taught some of them himself and choreographed for SPAC, the team we toured with the year before. We left for Ireland during the last week of August. We stayed in Limerick for two months, spent making phone calls to the US, using up most of our savings and being frustrated with a system that didn't work. After experiencing many things that went wrong, we felt strongly that the best thing to do was to return to Utah and start over. It was during this hard time that we strengthened each other. We were content to return to our friends in the States but we also knew that a part of us was going to break off and be scattered somewhere between Europe and America.

Back in Utah, we started looking for work and eventually found some seasonal jobs. I work for Western Nut Co. at University Mall and David works at the Borders bookstore helping with pretty much everything that goes on in the store. They are fun jobs that we enjoy and are happy to have but we continue looking for full-time work to be able to take care of ourselves when these jobs will be over.

At this time we're looking forward to celebrating Christmas and even if there won't be many gifts under our tree, we are happy to have each other, with our love and our hopes together, ready to accomplish many great things. We are hopeful for the New Year, to make more plans, be better and learn more, and most of all to spend many more great times together as a family. We hope to hear from all of you about what your 2009 brought to you and hope that it turned out to be an excellent year for you and your families.

Love, Dahlee and David Thomas

2009 Highlights

- February: Celine Dion awesome concert in Salt Lake

- May: trip to California for aunt Sherry's funeral

- August: graduation and Ireland

- October: returned to Utah

- December: work with Western Nut Co. and Borders, visit to the Hogle Zoo, beautiful Manheim Steamroller concert in Salt Lake City

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Newsletter - 2008

Happy Holidays!

It was the day before Christmas. My family traveled, like every year, to the small village where my grandparents were spending their holidays. After five long hours the train finally stopped in Arpash, where my grandpa was waiting for us with a carriage pulled by his brown horse. It was getting dark and we decided that we needed to hurry. Poienita [Poyeneetza], the village of our destination, was 8 km away and because of the thick snow that kept falling throughout the week, we knew that it was going to take us longer than usual to get there. The carriage started to move slowly in the snow and our excitement grew with every step that the horse made. We were almost there and were going to have so much fun playing in the snow with our old friends! After about 20 minutes we arrived at a small hill. From far away the hill didn’t look like much of a challenge, but close up we noticed that the hill was icy and maybe a little too steep for the one horse that we had. When the horse started to struggle up the hill, we decided to get off the carriage to lighten its weight. Grandpa tried everything he knew to get the horse climb the hill but with no success. By now it was dark outside and we were still about half way to the village. After a while, a gypsy man who saw us struggling came to offer his help. My dad and the man pushed the carriage and grandpa helped the horse up the hill and they eventually succeeded in getting to the top. We kids got back on the carriage and grandpa walked in front leading the horse by its bridle. The horse was visibly cold very tired so my parents chose to walk behind the carriage. We were in the middle of some fields now and getting close to the village. Because my sisters and I weren’t moving much, we became very cold. I was holding Mira and I can still remember that my hands got so cold that I wasn’t able to feel them much anymore. I was crying and wishing we were home, back in Bucharest, in our warm apartment. We didn’t even have a Christmas tree here, in the village and probably Santa didn’t even know that we were here. The night was still and cold. The snow was glittering in the light of the moon and it was quiet. Only the wheels of the carriage sounded in the night. My parents were left behind and I was worried now that they might get lost and maybe eaten by some animal! The forest wasn’t too far away and I remembered stories that my mom and grandpa told us about wolves and bears that lived around here. And we kept going. After a long drive we got to the house. Grandma, who had been worried sick, hugged us and helped us in. She soon put some food on the table and we had a few goodies that she had prepared for the occasion. The house was nice and warm and smelled like cake and cabbage rolls. I love cabbage rolls, I thought. I was safe now. After we ate a little bit, grandma said that it’s time for us to go carol our next door neighbor, Tantee Jenica. I was embarrassed to sing and didn’t want to go out in the cold again but we didn’t have much of a choice. When Tantee Jenica opened the door and we started singing, I felt warm inside and I was happy. I loved Christmas Carols! Tantee Jenica sang with us and then invited us in and served us with really good cake. Later that evening, when we got home, my mom told me something amazing. She said that when they were walking in the silent night, they heard something like a choir singing in the distance. They couldn’t tell what song it was but they said that it was beautiful. Grandpa said that it was some choir from a close by church but my mom knew that they were choirs of Angels singing praises from the skies. I didn’t hear them because I was too busy and concentrated on my own suffering but as my mom talked, somehow I knew that she was right and I really wished that I heard them too. Christmas is a time of remembrance, a time for love, a time for giving and a time for family… Let us all give a little bit more of ourselves this Christmas season and maybe, if we sit still and listen, we might hear the beautiful choirs of Angels this Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!


Our Love for Folk Dance

As part of the international folk dance program at BYU David and I both had the great chance to be on SPAC, the team that travels within Utah at the end of every winter semester. We learned many dances from America, Mexico, Israel, Ireland, Ukraine and Hungary. We danced for thousands of elementary school children and traveled all the way to the border with Idaho for some concerts. In June we were privileged to go to Nauvoo, IL for two weeks, where we got better acquainted with the local history and culture and performed every evening on an outdoor stage very close to the Mississippi River. We visited Carthage Jail, and other sites in Illinois and Iowa. In Missouri we visited the Saint Louis Arch which is an impressive piece of architecture. It was a great experience. We had a lot of fun spending time with great friends and sharing our talents and love for folk dance. David decided that he loves folk dance so much that he would love to combine this love with his love for teaching by becoming a folk dance college teacher. He is currently applying to graduate programs offered in several places around the US and Europe. We hope that he will be accepted in the best one that there is. Wish him luck!


Only One Semester Left!

Last fall semester was a challenging but good one for both of us. It was good because we learned many interesting things for our careers, but it was challenging also because we had difficult major classes. We succeeded however in passing all the exams and in getting good grades. Dahlee finished all her Linguistics major classes and has only one General Ed English class left, which she will be taking online next semester. David took some more classes for his Exercise Science major and is also getting very close to graduating. In fact., both of us are going to graduate in April 2009. What an exciting day that will be, when we will both receive our diplomas, the fruits of our long years of studying and sacrifices. We are happy to have gotten this far and anxious to graduate and move to a different stage in our lives. Dahlee, just like David, is applying to graduate programs in Applied Linguistics and is trying to get accepted into the online Academic Advisement Graduate Program at Kansas University . She would love to become a certified academic adviser and hopefully continue on to graduate school in the field.


Work is great at the Open Access Computer Lab

One activity that takes most of our time when we’re not in school or doing homework is our work. We still work on the BYU campus, as Lab Assistants for the computer labs. Dahlee works for the Open Access Computer Labs and David for the Humanities Computer Labs. We like our jobs very much. Dahlee’s job is to supervise lab assistants, take care of problems in the labs, answer lab assistants’ questions and help patrons in the lab. David is a lab attendant and he has to help students and faculty with their problems in using the computer. We’ve been working at these places for more than three years now and so we have a good hang of how to do our jobs. As a result, David is always the one asked to update the computers and make them work for both students and faculty, while Dahlee gets a chance twice a month to participate in full staff meetings where together with other supervisors and with the managers discusses ways to improve the organization. As a result for our efforts and dedication we put into our jobs, we received raises at the end of the semester and the appreciation of our colleagues and managers.


2008 Timeline

· From January until April we attended winter semester at BYU, which we finished successfully.

· In May we toured Utah and danced for elementary school kids.

· In June we went to Nauvoo, IL

· From mid-June until September, we worked full-time at the computer labs on the BYU campus.

· At the end of August we took a short vacation to Las Vegas, NV where we had a great time together.

· From September until December we attended fall semester at BYU and were successful in passing all our classes.

· At the beginning of November, Dahlee went to a Translators Association conference in Orlando, FL and learned a lot about how to be a better translator. She does translations from Spanish into English as a freelancer.

· We spent Thanksgiving with Patrick, Daniel and their family, and the day after, with our friends Carl and Karina.

· We are now getting ready for Christmas by decorating our house and packing presents.

“Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger”

Friday, December 28, 2007

2007 - A year of joy!

December 2007

Dear family and friends,

2007 is been a full year for us. We’ve been going to school full time at BYU and we also worked on campus while also being on a folk dance team. Here is a short review of our year. We hope that you’ll enjoy hearing from us.

In March David and Daliana decided to unite their lives and got married in Manti, Utah. They were happy to see so many family and friends who came to celebrate with them and they would like to thank everyone who sent presents for being so nice and thoughtful.

Daliana is a senior in College. She just decided to change her major to Humanities with a French language emphasis. Besides her major, Dali is working on a World Dance minor and a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) minor. As a result, she still has a few more semesters to go until she graduates. Dali still works at the Open Access Computer Lab on campus and starting January she became a Shift Supervisor. She enjoys her job very much.

David is a senior in college as well, majoring in Exercise Science and planning to go to Medical School afterwards. He is working on a World Dance minor as well. David works as a Lab Attendant in the MAC/PC Humanities Computer Lab and as a web programmer in the Humanities Department. In May 2007 David went on a one-month folk dance tour to all the Elementary Schools in the Utah Valley. He enjoyed his experience very much and is excited to be doing it again next year. He thinks that this time it will be an even better experience because he will get to do it with Daliana.

Together, Dali and David went on a trip to California where they had a wonderful time with their grandparents and other family members, and before that they went to the Arches National Park and other National Parks in Southern Utah.

As you can see, we had a great year. We hope that you and your family had a prosperous year as well.

Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


David and Daliana Johansen