This blog is like a journal for me and because of that, it contains my opinions and the way I see things. It is not intended to judge or criticize anyone or to impose any of my views on anyone. I apologize if any of the posts in here is offensive or somehow harmful to you. Because this blog is like a journal, I do not expect anyone to read or comment on my posts. However, I really want to share my life with you and I love reading your comments so please, if you feel like you have something to say, go right ahead! You are my best friends and my family and I hope that you agree with the terms stated above. Thank you so very much for reading and for always being there for me.

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I am a Young Living distributor and if you're interested in signing up or just learning more about these amazing essential oils please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd be more than happy to help you find answers to any questions you might have.
Showing posts with label Springville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Springville. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

This year I celebrated my first Mother's Day and it was wonderful. It fell on a Sunday and I was lucky that David was home and didn't have to go to work. Even though he rarely gets a day off, he watched Jane most of the day and picked up around the house a bit too. I, on the other hand got to take a looooong shower in the morning, crochet a bit and plant a few things in the little garden by our apartment. The day before David got me a crochet book and we went to Red Lobster and had a wonderful dinner. Thank you honey for a wonderful Mother's Day.
Yummy food
A bit of gardening
My new crochet book

Friday, May 6, 2011

Jane at 6 Months

It's sometimes hard to know what a baby thinks or feels but I think that parents usually figure it out, especially if they spend a lot of time with their baby.
In our case, I love how David, who works 16 hour days still understands Jane and can tell the different types of cries she has. It's mostly three types that are very prominent and easy to understand. The screaming cry that usually shows that she is experiencing some kind of pain or discomfort, the 'strained' cry that shows that she's hungry and the whiney cry that means "I'm sleepy". What I like most though is the fact that Jane tries to communicate with us her thoughts and feelings even though she is very young. I love how she shows excitement by moving her arms and legs or by smiling really big, especially when David comes home from work, or how she tells us that she's upset by scratching or biting us. I don't necessarily love the last one but I think it's cool that she figured out a way to express her feelings. The best in expressing her feelings is when she grabs our face or neck in a big hug way and then kisses us or licks us. I know then that she really loves us.
On a different note, Jane is 6 months now and life with her is getting more and more exciting every day. We watch 'Baby can read' together and she gets excited when the "Itsy bitsy spider" or the "Twinkle, twinkle little star" songs come up. She eats cereal in her milk once or twice a day and fruit/vegetable/meat purees once a day. She sits up even without support for a little bit but still falls over on her side when she gets tired. We go for walks and to the library and she really likes it - she usually falls asleep in her stroller for about 30 minutes.What Jane doesn't like is crowds and noises. Every time we are in a situation where there are many people and a lot of screaming or loud laughing she just cries and is not happy. Hopefully this will pass in time.
We went to WIC on her 6 months anniversary and she weighted 16lbs 15oz and was 26in long. She's in the 75th percentile and is very proportionate. The nutritionist was very happy with the way she's developing and growing. In a week we'll have her 6 months, well-child appointment and she'll get another round of shots. I home the doctor will be happy with her as well. She's got no teeth yet but it looks like she might be teething. After having a growth spurt last week, when she ate all the time, now she just wants to sleep, is not eating much and is pretty whiney and her lower gums feel swollen. I think it will be so cute when she'll have teeth :)
We love you, Jaynitza!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter, spring and haircut

Life in pictures

First time seating in a high chair (Cafe Rio restaurant in Provo)
First time in a shopping cart (Buy Low in Provo)
The day Jane and Mommy were really sick (April 15) - Jane slept all day
Mommy's little bunny (at Joanne's in Orem)
Dying eggs with Mommy
At the Great Cloth Diaper Change in SLC  (we help set a Guinness World Record - 63 little bums changed in Salt Lake and 10000 worldwide)
Cute outfit chosen by Daddy
With the Easter Bunny at the University Mall in Orem.
Jane liked touching her furry face and didn't cry one bit
Bunny ears are fun :)
Christos a inviat!
'My First Easter' outfit - at uncle Daniel's apartment in Provo celebrating Easter and Daniel's graduation - Easter day
Jane excited to open her gift
First time opening a gift by herself!
Cute pyjamas from aunt Terri
Jane rolling over all the way - Easter - 24 April 2011

New haircut - haven't had my hair this short since I was 10 or so :)
I love it and it's so easy to take care of and dry after a shower 
Daddy's little girl - Jane loves her Daddy
With my friend Codruta (at temple Square) - She is 7 months pregnant
I have so many friends who are due in July. So exciting. Can't wait to see all the little babies.
Easter with Momma - Christos a inviat! Adevarat a inviat! Cioc!!! 
Mommy and Daddy sleepy on Easter morning :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I just turned five months!

Oh my goodness! I can't believe that our little Jane is five months old. She's growing up so fast. I'm excited to see her do 'big kids' things soon but I also enjoy spending every minute of the day with her and seeing her grow.

This month's been pretty good for us and for Jane. We still miss mama Lucy but we're doing ok. We talk with the grandparents and our siblings on Skype every week and they are doing ok as well. We had another party with Eni and Lia at Lia's home and made cute Easter tutus for the girls. Also, Charity, David's sister went into the Missionary Training Center on March 9 to prepare to go on a LDS mission to the California - LA mission, Spanish speaking. She's excited and writes to us every week with updates on how she's doing as a missionary.
Hermana Charity Johansen went into the MTC on March 9th
Jane and I go walking every day and we love the spring warmth and scenery, such as flowers and blooming trees. We decided to take different routes occasionally to explore and see new neighborhoods. It's fun!
Out for a walk in our neighborhood
Jane in her St. Patrick's Day outfit that she wore outside that day
We both enjoy springtime and the nice weather
A month ago I tried giving Jane more solid foods such as oats and vegetable purees but she started having diarrhea so I decided that she might not be ready. Her diarrhea is gone now. I started giving her organic brown rice in her formula and so far she's good; just a little gassy. I'll wait a week and try some puree again. I know that I need to wait a week between introducing a new food and that she needs to get used to the green vegetables first then the fruits and only after all this she can have two things mixed together. We'll see how feeding solids will work out this time... I'm not too eager to have her eat solids but she gets really hungry with just formula so, since the doctor said that it's ok, I'll try solids and see...

Here are the different milestones Jane's accomplished.

She sits up with support and for a few seconds even without support (she supports herself by leaning forward and holding herself up with her arms), she can roll-over from back to front and on her side from her back (almost going all the way to her tummy!), she 'talks' a lot with her toys and with us and sings when I sing to her, she holds her toys and if she drops them she picks them up again, she can put her binky in her mouth by herself, she occasionally sits up by herself in her stroller, laughs when she's excited, looks at us when we call her by name and is very curious about everything.
First time Jane sat up in her stroller
One of the cutest things is to see Jane so happy when David comes home from work or how she looks at me with questioning eyes when she hears something loud. I just love to see her interact with us and develop a personality (sometimes a quite strong personality) :) She knows what she wants and asks for it :) It's so cute when she sees me make her a bottle, how she waits with anticipation but if I take too long she starts screaming and pulls the bottle to her mouth eagerly when I bring it close to her face.
Jane doesn't cry as much when she's on her tummy. She can roll over now! 
No teeth yet and no sign of them either but she still drools a lot and puts everything in her mouth, including her fist or my face :)
Jane sits up with little support for a few seconds
Sleep-wise, we tried co-sleeping in the beginning and it was great when she was a tiny baby, and then we wanted to do it again just recently but it didn't work out anymore. Jane is used to feel the walls of her bassinet in her sleep and would wake up for anything and we were always careful and would wake up whenever she moved.  She's been sleeping in her bassinet for the past couple of months. For her naps, sometimes she wants to be put to sleep on the bed and falls asleep alone but most of the time she requires a bottle. I tried the CIO method once but I just can't have her scream for minutes on end and then wail in her sleep for hours. I'm here for her so I can afford to be her mom and care for her. She goes to bed at night around 1am and asks for a bottle every four to five hours by crying in her sleep. I got her to sleep for about 5 hours just by giving her the binky but she gets really hungry and wakes up early (7am) if I don't feed her. She usually sleeps until 8 or 9am, wakes up, I change her diaper, play a bit and feed her and she falls asleep for another couple of hours, then plays and eats a bit again and falls back to sleep until around 1PM. It's an interesting routine but I don't mind it too much since I need the sleep just as much as she does.
One of Jane's 5 months pictures
Another thing that I like is taking showers with her. She doesn't mind the water running on her face and doesn't cry afterwards like she used to when we gave her baths. Of course that she still takes baths in the sink sometimes but she can sit up now so it's much easier to do then before. Oh, and she loves typing on the keyboard, looking at the pictures in books, listening to music, playing bowling on the Wii in our arms and watching the 'Baby can read' video.
All ready for Easter with her tutu and stuffed animals
Here's a sample of Jane's typing: Ω®rc4zç fhjjjjjjj                  nnnnn                   kk7700  y∫      9n3638hhhn.l5nA8T116YFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCXdeddl.,t6t6. .7`   (Isn't she smart? :) I don't even know how to make some of those characters. Hahaha)

I'm glad that, even though Jane is becoming more independent, she still loves to cuddle and play with us. We love you Janney, so much!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Four Months Already

Jane is four months old and she just had her well-child appointment. She was so good, even when the nurse gave her the two shots in her legs and one vaccine in her mouth. She didn't even cry for the first shot and the nurse was impressed that she swallowed the vaccine, unlike other babes who just spit it out. Good girl, Jane!
For her stats: Jane is now 14lb 7oz and 24.5in long - big girl
Her doctor was happy with her and congratulated us as parents for doing 'everything right'. Hooray for us!
So, what is Jane doing new this month? Well, lots of cute things! She smiles all the time, looks all around the room to find her mommy and daddy, makes lots of cute noises, sucks on her fist and drools all the time getting her bibs and clothes all wet :) sits in her Bumbo seat all by herself and loves it, reaches for toys that are not in front of her when she lyes on her gym mat, sleeps all night (goes to bed around 10PM and only cries in her sleep a couple of times through the night for some milk and doesn't wake up until 8 or 9AM) eats organic oats cereal with milk and even some yummy green beans after the doctor okey-ed it and she even laughs when something is funny, like looking at mommy's face from above or when mommy and daddy tickle or zerbert her. She is such a happy and alert little girl and we love her A LOT.
Ready to eat!
First time eating organic oats cereal
All messy
My favorite toy-blankey
Reaching for toys 
Only two shots this time!
Plastic bib this time!
First time eating green beans. Pretty tasty!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm Three Months Old!

Jane, Mom and Grandma Lucy
at Riverwoods on a sunny, warm winter day

Today Jane is three months old. She's grown so much. I can't believe it. She holds her head, smiles a lot and even laughs at times. She follows us with her eyes when we walk around the room, cries when we don't pay attention to her or if she wants us to hold her and always lets us know when she needs a diaper change, some food or sleep. She's such a smart little girl and we love her so much. She only cries when she's uncomfortable or when she is upset with someone. One time she got really upset with me. I tried to nurse her but she absolutely hates how the nipple feels in her mouth so she doesn't nurse at the breast. So, after a good cry she refused to look at me or even take a bottle from me even though she was hungry. My Mom took her and fed her and eventually she fell asleep but even when she woke up she wouldn't look at me.

Jane is pretty drool-y. 
She might start teething soon
Her two months Dr. appointment was good. She weighted 11lb. 12oz and was 24in long. She got her first round of shots and even though she was scared she only cried for a little bit. As soon as I took her in my arms she got better and eventually stopped crying. Later that day though her legs were sore so she cried and was fussy but within a couple of days she was all better.
Three shots in her legs 
and one vaccine through the mouth
This month we also changed her formula a few times. First the doctor told us to give her soy formula to help stop the diarrhea. When that went away we tried regular Similac, which they gave her in the hospital to supplement the breast milk and she started spitting up a lot. We gave her Enfamil and she liked it but after a box of it she started having really bad colic. We gave her Similac Sensitive, what she used to drink before the diarrhea but the colic got worse to the point where she couldn't sleep so we went back to Similac Soy and everything got better. Now that's all she eats and it seems that it's what she needs. She's calm and happy, only a little gassy and is gaining weight all the time. I can see that she's already gotten bigger and taller than four weeks ago. We're proud of our little vegetarian baby! :)
One thing that Jane hates with a passion is tummy time. She would not do it without a cry that eventually turns into loud screams. When we put her on her tummy she lifts her head but she hasn't figured out that she can use both of her arms to pull herself up. She uses her left arm but holds the right one straight and tight by her body and pushes her bum up with her legs while screaming. It's funny to see her but it's also a little sad cause she gets so unhappy. She likes doing stretches and exercises with her legs and arms though and she kicks her legs and moves her arms a lot when left on her back.
She loves watching "Myth Busters". She would sit with David and watch on the TV or on the iPod. I don't know why she likes that show or how much she understands but she seems to really enjoy it. We don't let her watch much though. I believe that babies shouldn't watch any television until they're two and after that only watch about an hour or less a day, so we try to be good about it.
Watching 'Myth Busters' on the iPod with Daddy
So, Jane is growing beautifully and is a very good baby and we feel so blessed to have her. She makes us happy and we just can't imagine our life without her.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another month in our lives

Another month has passed since my last update and many things have happened.
Our Jane is two months old!

Where does time go? It's true that this second month felt longer than the first but seeing Jane grow and be happy makes even the hard times worth it. Jane is already grown bigger, she holds her head up almost all the time and likes to stand up when you put her little feet on a firm surface. It also looks like her eyes are going to be blue, like her dad's which makes me happy since I really wanted a blue-eyed baby. :) She is just as good at sleeping at night. She does go to bed around 1:00 AM but then only wakes up once or twice to feed and goes right back to sleep until pretty late in the morning. I love it! She had a few nights when she cried and fussed and also had some colic for a couple of weeks but it seems that she is better now. She actually likes to fall asleep in bed rather than in someone's arms which is great. The only thing that made this second month a little worrisome is that beginning January 1st Jane started having pretty bad diarrhea. We went to the ER twice and only found out that she needs to pretty much overcome it on her own. We gave her rice water and soy formula and it seems that her diarrhea is getting better but is not completely gone even now, over a week since it started. We're still waiting for the results of her labs to see if it's the rotavirus or something else. Speaking of labs, it was so sad to see her scream as three men were holding her little body and head down to extract some stuff from her nose. I felt sick and started crying when I saw it. Let's hope that she won't have to go through awful things like that often in her life. On the 13th we'll have her two months appointment and she'll probably get her first round of shots, which I'm not looking forward to, but at least these are things that happen to all babies and will benefit her in the long run.

What makes me happy and helps me forget all sad things though is when Jane smiles at me. Her face lights up and she looks at me with her big blue eyes. I give anything to see that smile and feel her little hands and arms reach for me and grab me tight. There's no better feeling in the world.
Ruth & Eric's Wedding Luncheon

My friend Ruth got married on December 18, 2010 in Salt Lake. I was so happy to attend the luncheon held in their honor and to see her and her husband Eric and also Amy Ruesch. Ruth and I were companions in Timisoara during my LDS 6 weeks long mini-mission. We had a great time together and kept in touch after Ruth came back home to Utah and I came to BYU.

Our Christmas Eve was fun as we opened tons of gifts, ate gingerbread cookies and drank hot chocolate. Thank you Mom for being here and making our Christmas wonderful. We probably wouldn't have had many gifts if it wasn't for her to get us a few things that we needed and some that we wanted. She got us a big Christmas tree, a vacuum cleaner and a crock-pot among other smaller things, for David she got a nice shirt, a hoodie, heads for our electric toothbrush and razor blades and, for me she got a Singer sawing machine which I'm really happy about, a pair of black pants, a shirt and a fluffy house robe. Jane got tons of clothes and toys and she also got a nice Christmas tree ornament from her mommy which she likes very much, even if in the picture it doesn't look like it. :)

From David I got a couple of crock-pot recipe books and a baby remembrance book and I got him a Wii game console and the Super Mario Galaxy game. Mom received three shirts, a pair of dressy black pants and a pair of jeans. We were all very happy with our gifts. :)
We spent Christmas day at the condo with David's family who came from Japan and Grandma and Grandpa Barlow who came from California. It was the first time that we had his entire family here for Christmas and it was a lot of fun.

We all opened gifts, had the traditional Johansen breakfast consisting of eggs, pinwheels with mince meat, sausage and OJ, played Christmas pictionary and had a traditional Romanian dinner savoring the delicious sarmale that my Mom made. Everyone loved them! :)
Jane's Blessing

The Sunday after Christmas (the 26th) we had Jane's blessing at church. Her grandma Jo made her a beautiful white satin gown for the occasion and she looked like a little angel in it. The blessing David pronounced was very special and beautiful and as he lifted her up for everyone to see, I was overwhelmed with emotion and my eyes and David's filled with tears of joy and gratitude for this beautiful baby that we are so blessed to have. We had a little get together after the blessing at our apartment, where we took pictures, had some more sarmale and had fun with family and friends. Eni, Aric and their kids came as well as Carl, Carina and Liam, and Eve, Shawn and Gabi. We had a great time together.
New Year's Eve
We spent New Year's Eve at home as a family and on New Year's day we had piftie, friptura and salata de boeuf. Yummy!

I wish David and Jane had enjoyed the celebration a little more. Why I say that? Well, as I mentioned before, Jane started having diarrhea that day while David got a nasty cold and his 19 year old cousin Richie passed away in the hospital. Not the New Year's day we expected but this too passed.

Romanian girls get-together at Lia's
On the first Monday evening of the New Year we went over at Lia's in Pleasant Grove and had tons of fun cooking supa cu galusti and playing cards. We laughed and felt good and forgot of all problems. In fact we had such a good time that we decided to make it a regular date, twice a month; so next get-together will be at my apartment and we're already looking forward to it.