This blog is like a journal for me and because of that, it contains my opinions and the way I see things. It is not intended to judge or criticize anyone or to impose any of my views on anyone. I apologize if any of the posts in here is offensive or somehow harmful to you. Because this blog is like a journal, I do not expect anyone to read or comment on my posts. However, I really want to share my life with you and I love reading your comments so please, if you feel like you have something to say, go right ahead! You are my best friends and my family and I hope that you agree with the terms stated above. Thank you so very much for reading and for always being there for me.

Learn about essential oils

I am a Young Living distributor and if you're interested in signing up or just learning more about these amazing essential oils please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd be more than happy to help you find answers to any questions you might have.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Something wrong?

Well, for the past couple of weeks I haven't been feeling very well. I've been tired and nauseous and from time to time, lightheaded. Since we haven't been using protection for the last month, I thought that I might be pregnant; so I tried a test a couple of days before my period. The test looked positive for a few seconds but after the two minutes that you're supposed to wait, it was more than clear that I wasn't pregnant. Why did I still feel sick then? In the next couple of days I started getting some back aches and definite symptoms that my period was just around the corner but then it was late for a day, and another, and another. So, I thought: why don't I try another test? Even though I never got nauseous with Jane I still thought that something might be happening. All the sensitivity around Jane's poopy diapers and spit-up, heart burn, headaches, tiredness, back aches and tummy problems had to have a reason. Well, I was right! I AM PREGNANT! I haven't been to a doctor yet to confirm it but the second test was a definite YES. Don't know the due date since I'm not 100% sure when the first day of my last period was but I'm more than sure that sometimes next year a little Johansen Junior will join our family and make us happier than we already are; if that's even possible. So, here you have it. We're expecting and I'm thrilled  and terrified about it. Since my birthday was on May 25, this is the best birthday present David could have ever given me :)
Closer view :)
Hello baby # 2!


Ioana said...

Felicitari pentru noul bebe!!!! Ce bucurie mare!!!
Si felicitari pentru David si noua aventura!!! Mult succes cu mutatul si noua viata in the big apple! Sfaturile Cristinei sunt excelente in legatura cu mutatul. Daca as putea adauga ceva, ar fi sa adaugi pe fiecare cutie ce contine! De multe ori cand m-am mutat nu stiam ce era in cutii.:) De asemenea, don't give away a lot of stuff thinking that you'll buy new ones when you get there. You might end spending way too much money on stuff you could've just packed.
Mult succes!!!

Dahlee J said...

Multumesc. Da, am scris in mare pe cutii ce e. Sper ca nu va fi prea greu cand despachetam. O sa luam cam tot ce avem cu noi ca nu avem asa de mult si daca nu avem loc destul o sa dam din lucruri acolo.

Vali said...

Felicitari, ma bucur pentru voi! Sa ai o sarcina usoara si sa fii fericita!

Miky said...

Waw!Ce veste super aflu de la tine!Sarcina usoara fara nici o grija.Ma bucur pentru voi si ca Jane va avea cu cine se juca:D
Spor la impachetat si sa aveti numai bucurii in noua casuta!:*:*:*:*

Irina said...

Felicitari! Sper sa mearga totul bine si sa ai o sarcina usoara! bafta cu totul!

Cristina Karekar said...

Oh, ce frumos!!! Felicitari, Dali! Sa ai o sarcina usoara si frumoasa! Jane va fi o surioara super! Si mult succes cu impachetatul si mutarea! Totul va fi bine!!! :)

Annie Hawkins said...

Wow, nu m-am asteptat la vestea asta, dar sunt fericita pentru voi. Atatea schimbari se ntampla in vietile voastre si e minunat. Felicitari si succes cu toate. :D

Dahlee J said...

Multumesc mult! Da, nici eu nu m-am asteptat atat de repede dar sunt fericita si sper ca totul sa mearga bine.