Well, haven't written much in here in a while and time's flown by. I'm now 32 weeks pregnant. So far things have gone well. Baby, who we found out is also a little girl, is growing well and is right on schedule. Her heartbeat is a little lower than Jane's or Alyss', at about 138bpm. Doctor Burnett is not worried, as it's still in the normal range. She just thought that we might be having a boy because usually boys' heartbeats are lower. My blood pressure and weight are good too and the belly measurements are on schedule as well. I'm also happy to report that I don't have gestational diabetes. The numbers were high but still in the normal range. This pregnancy's been harder on my body though. My lower back and my hips hurt really bad sometimes, to the point where I can't walk normally. The morning sickness I had for the first 15 weeks has not come back but I still get nausea sometimes and I'm also really exhausted some days. Just a week ago I felt really sick, with stomach aches, diarrhea, chills and vomiting. The doctor was worried that I might be having gallbladder problems but since I didn't have pain when she touched my sides she just told me to let her know if the stomach aches return. I haven't had stomach aches since but my skin started being really itchy. It started on my hands and feet and now it's on other parts on my body too. It gets really annoying sometimes. I read that it could be because of cholestasis, a condition where the bile pools in the liver. It could be dangerous and could cause still births so when I go for my next appointment I'll ask for a blood test just to be sure. I guess this is about it for now. I hope that everything will turn out ok and that these last few weeks will go by fast. I really hate the heat.
Well, since I last wrote I had another doctor visit, at 33 weeks. I've lost some weight but nothing to be concerned about. Dr. Burnett was concerned about my itchy skin, occasional stomach aches and diarrhea, so she ordered some blood tests for me, to check my gallbladder. They came back abnormal so she put in for more blood work and requested a gallbladder ultrasound as well. The results are to follow shortly.
After the new blood tests and ultrasound we found out that I'm doing a bit better and that it's actually my liver who's not very happy. The following week I had another blood test to check the liver function and also had the baby monitored for a few minutes. Baby's doing great and liver function improved. So, we seem to be in good shape wich makes me really happy. :)
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