This blog is like a journal for me and because of that, it contains my opinions and the way I see things. It is not intended to judge or criticize anyone or to impose any of my views on anyone. I apologize if any of the posts in here is offensive or somehow harmful to you. Because this blog is like a journal, I do not expect anyone to read or comment on my posts. However, I really want to share my life with you and I love reading your comments so please, if you feel like you have something to say, go right ahead! You are my best friends and my family and I hope that you agree with the terms stated above. Thank you so very much for reading and for always being there for me.

Learn about essential oils

I am a Young Living distributor and if you're interested in signing up or just learning more about these amazing essential oils please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd be more than happy to help you find answers to any questions you might have.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hello Second Trimester!!

First milestone - done! We're officially in the second trimester, which means less morning sickness and more good times (if you know what I mean - wink, wink)
The first trimester's been a bit tougher than when I was pregnant with Jane. I was still pretty tired and emotional but also had more morning sickness and my sense of smell is even stronger this time. When I was about 13 weeks along I had a bit of bleeding too, which never happened with Jane, and we went to the hospital to get it checked out. It turned out that everything was okay and the ultrasound confirmed that the baby is healthy and very active. It was fun to see the baby move, do somersaults, open its mouth and move its legs, body and head. I was so relieved to hear the heartbeat which was at 166 and very normal. Recently, I also started having the weird dreams that I had last time, but this time are not about babies but mostly about water. I drowned once, I saw a talking female shark in another one and I learned about a woman who ate a dog for breakfast after drowning it. Weird, I know. I haven't woken up crying or laughing out loud yet, like I did last pregnancy but these dreams are just as weird if not more. :)
We're excited for the new baby and can't wait to get to 20 weeks to find out the gender. We don't know if we want a boy or a girl so I guess either way we'll be very happy.
13 Weeks 2 Days

13 Weeks


Ioana said...

Yay! Ma bucur ca totul merge bine cu sarcina si abia astept sa aud ce este! Tu arati bine!:)

Adina Bucknall said...

cute, love the ultrasound picture

Annie Hawkins said...

da, si mie imi place poza de la ultrsasound; e chiar misto de tot!!! Si ce vise ciudate ai fato!!! LOL Eu nu imi aduc aminte visele, sar putea sa fi avut ceva vise, dar chiar nu imi aduc aminte nimic

Dahlee J said...

Mersi de comentarii. Si mie mi-a placut poza si nu mi-a venit sa cred cat de definit e bebele si ce bine se vede totul. De vise, asa vise ciudate cand sunt gravida, de obicei cam la sfarsitul primului trimestru. :) Ma bucur ca dispar dupa! LOL Abea asteptam si noi sa vedem ce este. ;)